Georgia Institute of Technology
Team Members: Mohammad Soudachi, Morgan Platt, Brittany Ritter, Hannah Ranieri, Karina Patricia, Swaraj Agarwal, Ramsey Lehman.
My Klemis is a resource management facilitation application for the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Klemis kitchen. Klemis kitchen is a supporting branch of Georgia Tech that is fighting students’ hunger on campus.
However, due to current distribution, communication, and supply conditions, there is an opportunity to improve the resource management efficiency within Klemis.
Klemis needs an improved system that would facilitate communication between locations and users (students and staff) to support a decentralized distribution system in the future.
As a team, after our initial research, we started our design phase. During the design phase, we began with deciding on the overall interface look by each member's designing and then combined the best parts of each person’s design into one. Then we divided into two groups: one designing the student side of the app and one designing the staff side.
My teammate and I designed the staff side of the interface. Additionally, I created the point of sale interface (POS) based on the main design for the student side.